USA Summer Camp for Hwa Chong International School

Building on the success of our first USA Summer Camp with Methodist Girls’ School, we were approached to conduct a similar program for the students of Hwa Chong International School. The only difference being that they wanted a program of shorter duration, 1 week as opposed to 2 weeks. Hwa Chong International also wanted the program to start in May, which is during their Internationalism Week. Most universities in the United States only start their summer vacation from June onwards, so it was really lucky that UC Berkeley starts their summer vacation the same time that Hwa Chong International had allotted to their students. So off we went to the campus of the University of California, Berkeley in May!

Like the program that we did a couple of years ago, the students stayed at the dormitories that full-time students live in during the regular semester. Instead of repeating everything from our earlier blog post, here’s the link to the post where we talked about the student dormitories.

Other activities which are similar to what was done for the students from Methodist Girls’ School (and which we don’t want to repeat for risk of boring our readers) include:

The main difference between this program and the one that we did for Methodist Girls’ School is that we only had one week with the students. Because of that, we were not able to have them participate in an academic program developed by ATDP. Instead, we arranged for several workshops organized by undergraduate and graduate students from the Bioengineering department. In the next post, we’ll talk more about the bioengineering workshops.